Bonnie de Bruijn

Bonnie de Bruijn learned to climb on Ontario rock in the early 90s. She discovered the climbing gym and started competing soon after. Based out of Toronto and Montreal, she competed (on and off) for two decades and was a member of the National Bouldering Team for 7 years.
Bonnie has been active in the climbing community in various ways. She was a director on the board of the Ontario Climber’s Alliance, a writer for Gripped Magazine, and a livestream commentator for the CEC, among other things. 
After retiring from competitions, the birth of her 2 children and completing her PhD, Bonnie was able to focus more on her outdoor climbing goals. She has enjoyed all types of climbing over the years but is primarily a boulderer now. She lives in Squamish, where she is psyched to keep pushing herself and trying hard. Bonnie has been part of Mad Rock Climbing since 2009.