Samuel Tiukuvaara
Samuel live in Ottawa and split his time between climbing, school, and work. These activities share the same appealing concept of solving puzzles. In climbing, the scarcity of crags around Ottawa, pushed Samuel to competitions, in which he has participated in for over 10 years.
Some of Samuel notable accomplishments include winning a junior bouldering national, two open bouldering provincials, and making finals in 2022 at open nationals in both bouldering and lead. As a student, Samuel volunteer with his school’s climbing club to introduce other students to climbing.
Samuel on Razorblade Rodeo V11/12 in Niagara Glen, Ontario
Full Sized Mad V13 in Farley, Massachussets.
CEC Competition at Altitude Gym in Ottawa, Ontario.
Samuel at Bloc 9.81 in Gatineau, Quebec.