Bruce Allen
Bruce started climbing in a small university gym back in 2015, and he's been hooked ever since. He joined the Association of Canadian Mountain guides in 2016 as a Climbing Gym Instructor, and has worked as a Route setter and Coach at the Provincial and National level. Now located in Squamish BC, he is an aspiring Mountain Guide working through the Rock Guide program and soon onto Alpine and Ski guiding!
Calling the BC's west coast home, he spends his spare time guiding friends through the mountains and boulders alike. He can often be found wandering through the woods on the hunt for new climbing areas and boulders to develop.
Preferred Crack Climbing Shoe: Mad Rock Drone HV
Preferred Performance Shoe: Mad Rock Drone LV
Airmail 5.12c, Lakit Lake, Cranbrook BC
Teenage Lobotomy V7, Apron Boulders, Squamish BC